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Crew 568 Links

Our Charter Organization

Pajaro Valley Rod and Gun Club

NRA Training

Note: Crew 568, MBAC, and PacSky council regularly run NRA courses as part of crew or council activities. The cost is considerably less than what you are likely to find below.
NRA Basic Pistol Course - Online portion (60.00 fee)
NRA Range Safety Officer Course - Online ($125.00 fee)
Other NRA Instructor Courses
NRA Instructor/RSO courses at Pacific Skyline Council - Look at Calendar for NRA courses


Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council of the local Boy Scouts of America
Pacific Skyline Council of the local Boy Scouts of America(Mostly San Mateo County)
Girl Scouts of the Central Coast     From Santa Cruz to Ventura

Local Boy Scout Troops

Boy Scout Troop 599: Corralitos Boy Scout troop
Boy Scout Troop400:  Hollister Boy Scout troop
Boy Scout Troop 633: Santa Cruz Boy Scout troop

Local Venture Crews & Sea Scout Ships

Sea Scout Ship 831: Monterey Sea Scout Ship
Sea Scout Ship 669 - Steeves: Santa Cruz Sea Scout Ship
Venture Crew 831: Santa Cruz High Adventure Crew
Venture Crew 122: White Stag program at Piney Creek in Carmel Valley

Other Official BSA website Sea Scout Info  Private website with venturing info, and knots with spruce background  Scouting resources
White Stag history: Leadership Training

Problems or questions: Send email to webmaster.